happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction or joy. its sorurces can be found in biological, psychological, religious and philosophical reasons.
summer's finally here. maybe not for too long. but at least for today. giving us all some time to breathe. to forget what was and to see what's coming.
something out there where love is your only friend and we are the ones that will make you feel better and someone to spare when love is the only end and we are the ones that will make you feel better
what is home? is it a feeling, intuition or in our genes? is it just a place that we call home? the place where we have our roots or the one where we want them to be. are we bound to a place, habits and people? forever? like the trees? always seeking light. trying to survive while others try too. some without mercy or goodwill. growing in different directions and shapes. but always rooted?
i went to the woods because i wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life! to put to rout all that was not life. and not, when i came to die, discover that i had not lived.
sometimes life holds unexpected beauty. it is the coincidence. these moments, magical and mystical, make life what it is. surprising and always taking a new turn. things that give people a good feeling for the rest of the day. things that give hope, joy or just a little smile.